Cats Versus Dogs

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When it comes to dog versus cats there are many who are very dedicated to one or the other, personally, I am a self-proclaimed dog person. I much prefer a canine companion to a feline companion. That being said, I own both as do many Americans. I find, often even, that people who proclaim themselves dedicated to one in particular usually have both. There are many pros and cons for both and these animals have been kept as companions for thousands of years. Egyptians often had cats and wolves as companions have been a frequent occurrence in history. Let’s begin with felines and their dispositions, many people find cats to be aloof and sneaky. Sneakiness can go back to their natural instincts, as a typical method used to hunt for prey. Aloofness, however, is not something that I think is common in cats, some breeds are more typically aloof but, as a whole, I find cats to be very personable. Most cats like to cuddle close to their human companions. Cats become easily attached to their humans and become very loyal to them, this adds to their aloof character when it comes to strangers. Cats, despite being loyal to their owner, are very independent by nature. This adds to their purported aloofness. Dogs have been considered to be “man’s best friend” for ages. This branding comes from a dog’s loyal and protective nature. Many dogs, though this can be contradicted by some breeds or specific dogs, love to please their owners. They enjoy working and being with their master and have a much more sociable personality. They are loyal and brave and also work hard at various jobs that both assist and protect us. There have been stories told over the years of dogs rescuing people in various ways and their bravery has never been questioned. Today dogs are trained in search and rescue, drug and other law enforcement, and are helpers to the blind and handicapped.

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