Does Thinking Hard Burn the Most Calories?

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Ontario Washington Psych 102 02/20/15 Does Thinking Hard Burn The Most Calories? The main point that the author is making is does thinking hard cause people to use more energy. The author believes that brain becomes fatigue from our sustained mental effort.. In the article Does Thinking Really Hard Burn More Calories? Ferris Jabr is using statistics, theories, and studies from scientist and different universities to try in prove whether thinking fatigue comes from a sustained mental state of mind not. He explains how the studies correlate to the theory of you burn more energy when you think really hard or what not. He supports his main point of believing that our brain exerting more energy by being in a sustained mental state, by giving you examples, statistics, theories, and results from studies that other scientist and universities did. He supports his point with examples and studies results. He gives us a specific example saying “If we think an exam or puzzle will be difficult, it often will be” (Jabr). And he also states that “Studies have shown that something similar happens when people exercise and play sports: a large component of physical exhaustion is in our head” (Jabr). He is saying that our mental state is very important in using energy. The strong features of the authors argument is his quantity of evidence that he is using. And the evidence has to also has to be empirical as well. He is research data that he is using with his argument is solid and it supports some of his arguments. The research data is conducted properly but only to a certain extent. I say yes because some of the research is valid but it also is invalid as well because some of the research can’t be confirmed. For example he says “Maintaining unbroken focus maintaining unbroken focus or navigating demanding intellectual territory for several hours really does burn enough energy to

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