Does Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs Apply to Collectivist Cultures?

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The purpose of this paper is to examine Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs Motivation Theory and to determine whether or not it can be applied to collectivist cultures like there exists in Korea, China, and Japan.[8] This paper focuses on China in particular as the example of a collectivist culture. Findings suggest that a hierarchy of needs based on a collectivist culture will differ from Maslow's original model.[1][2] Also, how might this model be adjusted in light of collectivist cultural values. Before doing so, it will be important to first understand what Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs Theory is as well as understanding what collectivism and individualism are and how they differ. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs model is one of the most referenced and discussed motivation theories. Consistent with other well-known motivation theories, Maslow's model was developed based on research using U.S. subjects.[1][2] Firstly, Maslow states that "human needs arrange themselves into a hierarchy". The individual will satisfy basic-level needs before modifying behavior to satisfy higher-level needs.[2] Needs identified by Maslow, in their hierarchical order, include physiological, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization. In Maslow's model, individuals initially seek to satisfy physiological needs. These are the basic human needs required to sustain life and include food, clothing and shelter. Any other needs provide little motivation until these basic needs are satisfied.[3] Once physiological needs are satisfied, safety or security become the predominant need. Safety or security represents the need to be free of fear of physical danger, the need to be free of deprivation of basic physiological needs, and the need for self-preservation.[3] Next, the social or affiliation need will surface as the predominant one to be satisfied. This need is characterized by

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