Documented Essay Assignment

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This Documented research essay assignment is intended to refine and assess your writing, reading, research and documentation skills. It must not be plagiarized: You will be given a grade of zero if you submit unacknowledged material as your own. There will be no opportunity to rewrite. DUE DATE: _______________________________________________ This assignment is based on your Oral presentation. You will have to do some research to prepare for your Oral presentation assignment, and so this essay assignment gives you an opportunity to use that research in a different context and to cite and document that material properly. These are the steps you should follow to complete your assignment: 1. Choose another essay in Refining reading…show more content…
about 7-8 paragraphs). 5. Document your research and citations according to APA. Do not attempt to complete this assignment without referring to the guidelines for APA in the handout and in Refining reading writing. Format: Your documented research essay MUST be word-processed using an appropriate font and be double spaced. It must include the following: A. Title Page: Prepare a title page with appropriate information in APA format B. The Documented Research Essay: Your essay must have a stated thesis and fully developed paragraphs. You must integrate all quotes and references into the body of your essay and use APA documentation correctly. Include at least the following: 1. One short direct quotation with proper context 2. One long direct quotation with proper context 3. One indirect quotation (i.e. summary or paraphrase) with proper context C. References: The sources used in your writing your documented essay must be correctly listed APA style. Your References list must include the following: 1 1. The two essays chosen from Refining reading writing 2 2. The sources for the researched background

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