Do God Exist

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Do people need to prove that God Exists? Does God exist? In the book, (McGraw-Hill Handbook), it is about preparing your argument in a thesis. A question that has been asked and debated for years now, is whether or not God exist. No one really has a definite answer to that question. Many beliefs support facts through the Bible, the Holy Qur’an, or any other holy religious book they live by. Scientists use the Charles Darwin Theory or any other scientific theory to support their beliefs. No one really has shown proof if he exists or not. Some believe in the evolution theory that science created human beings. Others believe in the creation theory; they believe in some sort of God or intelligent design created the earth and humans. Who knows the real truth? Why does this subject stir up so much controversy? There has always been much attention about our origins as people. We have always existed and have been a steady state universe. We all are created by a creator God. We are the product of natural processes influenced only by chance and time. There has always been 3 views of origins reflect the 3 main religion. Pantheism believes we have always existed. Monotheistic believers; believe we are created by a Creator God. Atheism believers; reject the existence of any smart or intelligent force in the world. But what exactly do we know to believe in? What if what we believe in is wrong? If the evolution theory is correct then does that mean the believers of the Creationist theory are wrong? People need to know if what they believe in is correct. Starting from the beginning of time. It is stated that people originated from monkeys. We as people overtime began to walk upright. But what evidence do we have that proves this. Besides monkeys having a resemblance of a human being, what other fact and proof do
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