Dnb Health And Social Care Case Study

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CASE STUDY MR X WILLIAM SIM EDINB1A 11 WORD COUNT 1887 So let’s look at Mr X. He is 45 years old and has worked for the same company for 18 years. The job of manager is available but he is not sure whether to apply as he feels he may upset his colleagues, but he has done the job before when the manager was on holiday, so he knows he can do it. Is fear of failure holding him back? His colleagues think he is boring because he does not go for a drink with them after work on a Friday, but this is the day he visits his mother at her home. There is no mention of a father. Did he leave at an early age or has he passed on? Does he feel guilty that his mother is in a home? He would love the job because he feels that his mother would…show more content…
I will work to get him to make these changes so that his self esteem will be boosted and he can make the decisions that will lead to a better future for himself this will in turn help his relationships with his girlfriend, his mother and his work colleagues. Diagnosis I can see from the information Mr X has given me that he has low self esteem and lacks confidence. He does not have the confidence to apply for the job although he has done it on several occasions when the manager has been on holiday, so he is capable of doing it. This is a positive for Mr X and we can work on this during the session. He has low self esteem which will impact on everything he does. He has some confidence issues relating to his self image which cause him to think that his colleagues see him as boring because he does not socialise with them. He also has a fear of rejection and this is the cause of the relationship issues he has with his mother and girlfriend, more so his mother as she has a grip on him that manifests itself in a sort of adult to child relationship, he needs to assert himself so that the relationship becomes more adult to adult. With regards to his girlfriend the fear of rejection makes him feel he is not good enough for her and that is why he will not ask her to marry
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