...Divorced, Beheaded, Survived

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...Divorced, Beheaded, Survived This is a short story written in a kind of unique setting and also a bit curios setting, it allows you to see the world of an ordinary family whose lives have been affected by the deaths of their friends more than is fair. The story grasps some of the problems that death can bring upon a family which an average person may, or may not be aware of. The short story,’ …Divorced, Beheaded, Survived, is about an unnamed mother, who reflects her life as a past-tense narrator throughout the short story. The story is based upon the events of her brother’s death and the acts they played with their friends shortly before. The story’s structure is a bit unstructured but also kind of flowing. Even though the story takes place over roughly 30 years, the reader won’t find it difficult to keep track of the time. The structure itself is quite interesting, since it reveals the age of some persons between the lines. For example, she mentions the director of the acts, Johnny, was an 11-years-old boy – a year younger than her brother, and a year older than herself: “Johnny was a year younger than Terry, a year older than me” (Page 1, line 29). Not much later, while mentioning the inevitability of her brother’s death, she says that the almost present time, it is 30 years later: “but now, thirty years later” (Page 2, line 50). Even though the tragic events of her brother’s death thirty years earlier still affect the narrator, Robin Black has decided to avoid a huge climax at the end of the story. Where the last lines in such a story most often reveals a secret or a point-of-no-return, these three lines basically make it clear that the big disastrous event in her life has happened and she is just clarifying how it has affected not only her and her son, but all the relatives of the dead: “”Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.” Miss
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