Discuss Some of the Social Factors Involved in Young Peoples Involvement in Either Juvenile Crime or Drug Misuse’

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According to the World Health Organization (2000) drug misuse means relying physical and psychological dependent on an illegal drug such as party drugs and cannabis. Nonetheless prescription drugs and other medication that can be bought off the self in a supermarket are also involved in drug misuse. By choosing this topic, I have found it intriguing to investigate the social factors of drug misuse. This essay will discuss the social factors of drug misuse in young people.It is vitally important that youth workers know the basic social factors, as it will affect the young person due to their religion, ethnicity, family, economic status and education which are present in their society. In this essay I will focus on three areas; education, family and peer pressure Education is a process of receiving information to develop knowledge. Halsey (2003) believed that they were assumptions about the role in education that are currently challenged upon the cultural, economic and social transformation in the young persons area. Education plays a key role of preventing drug misuse by being able to seek the possible reasons that have caused the individual to misuse in the first place. Organizations introduced a slow and indirect process by professions who know about drug abuse by using it education it has been proven by Scope that it has reduced drug misuse. By acknowledging this information, professionals report a lack of knowledge on drug misuse, as well as some have negative attitudes towards drug misuse. This is due to drug misuse being associated as a shameful illness regarding stigma and the view that drug misuse is associated with “deviant” behavior that causes services to be affected creating a barrier for the young person. Even the language used can influence what the service can provide and how messages about drugs are delivered as it can affect attitude and opinion of

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