Discuss 2 Effects of the Environment on Physiological Processes

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Discuss two effects of the environment on physiological processes.
 The biological level of analysis in psychology deals with the relationship between psychology and physiology, and the effect of this on behavior. Sperry once said that, "Everything psychological is first physiological”, and this has become one of the principles of the biological level of analysis. The biological level of analysis holds a reductionist view, and focuses on the investigation of biological-based causes of human behavior. There have been studies suggesting the environment affects some biological factors. This essay will attempt to offer a considered and balanced review on two effects of the environment on physiological processes, supported by research studies, which investigate both effects. The two effects of the environment on physiological processes that will be discussed include the relationship between how zeitgebers affect circadian cycle and sleep, the effects stress has on our immune system. Why do people who do night shifts feel increasingly tired? Why does long flights sometimes cause us to feel increasingly tired? The answer lies within our circadian rhythm. The circadian sleep-waking rhythm is known as the internal body clock of humans and it is believed that there is a correlation between secretion of melatonin and the circadian rhythm. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. Without melatonin, we would have severe insomnia and various negatives effects in behavior can be seen. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus is ultimately responsible for regulating sleep patterns as it sends signals to the pineal glands for the production of melatonin according to our body clock. However, our endogenous pacemaker can be disrupted by the abnormal light rhythm to some extent. The presence of light will be detected by the SCN through the retina and

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