Discovering Your Personal Motivation

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After beginning my research, I learned there are several factors contributing to my motivation. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation are two types of motivation. Intrinsic is internal motivation, including enjoying the process of learning, being curious and a sincere interest in learning. Extrinsic motivation draws from external factors. These external factors include ego, wanting a promotion, more money or avoiding negative consequences. Determining my motivation factor can help with my online studies. I learned my motivation is extrinsic. I want to get a degree to get a promotion, earn more money and have bragging rights that I am the only sibling to attend college. I have always considered myself a good student, it was ego based, get the highest scores to appear smart to others. (Previous sentence is a fragment) Studies show that intrinsic motivators tend to do better in school situations, this contradicts my personal experience. (Moved this sentence to next paragraph)If I am to succeed as a student at this stage of my life, I will need to learn and develop online learning skills. An article written by Alan R Roper (2007) highlighted seven useful tips for successful online learning by gathering fifty-nine successful online students. These students participated in a survey that he and some of his colleagues developed. I found a few of the responses useful to me in my online college learning. (reworded and restructured previous 3 sentences) One tip they gave was to ‘Develop a time-management strategy’ (Roper, 2007). (removed dash) The participants’ answers included (removed semi colon and added apostrophe) set a study schedule and stick to it. Discipline to stick to a study schedule will be crucial to my success. As a full time employee, wife and caretaker to my Mother, time management will be a boon crucial to my online studies. The
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