Directed Study--Perspectives In Management

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Chapter 1: 1. What are the four basic functions that make up the management process? How are they related to one another? Management involves the following basic functions: Planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling. The first step for an organization to be successful is for management to set the organization's goals and to decide the best way to achieve those objectives. Once a manager has set goals and developed a workable pal, the next step is to organize people and the other resources necessary to carry out the plan. The third step is leading. Once the goals rate set and people and resources are organized, managers have to insure people work together to advance the interests of the organization. The final phase is controlling to monitoring the organization's progress toward its goals. Managers must monitor progress to ensure the organization is performing so as to arrive at its destination at the appointed time. This is the basic sequence of functions that managers tie in, but surely not the only way. Most managers engage in more than one activity at a time and often move between in unpredictable ways. 2. What are the four basic activities that make up the management process? How are they related to one another? 1. Planning and Decision Making-- Setting the organization's goal's and deciding how best to achieve them. 2. Organizing--Determining how best to group activities and resources. 3. Leading-- Motivating members of the organization to work in the best interests of the organization. 4. Controlling-- Monitoring and correcting ongoing activities to facilitate goal attainment. All four activities areare necessary and managers engage back and forth between activities in unpredictable ways. 3. Identify several of the important skills that help managers succeed. Give an example of each. 1. Technical

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