Did Roosevelt Prepare The Usa For War And Try To Help Britain

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The USA and the Second World War After the First World War the USA had returned to Isolationism, but when war broke out in Europe in 1939, President Roosevelt wanted to help Britain and prepare the USA for war against Germany. How did Roosevelt prepare the USA for war and try to help Britain? In 1939 he asked Congress for $1,300,000,000 to build up the armed forces In 1940 he signed the destroyers for bases deal with Britain. 1n 1941 he signed the Lend Lease Act with Britain. This allowed the US government to supply equipment to Britain which could be returned or paid for at the end of the war On 7 December Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor. Congress voted for war against Japan on 8 December and against Germany and…show more content…
Elizabeth Eckford and eight other black students tried to enrol at Little Rock High School in Arkansas. She was stopped by the State Governor, Orval Faubus, who surrounded the school with the state National Guard. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort her and protect her and the other students. After a month they were replaced by National Guards men under the orders of the President, they stayed at the school for a year Why was Little Rock important? It forced President Eisenhower, who would have preferred to do nothing, to take some action. In 1957 Eisenhower introduced the first Civil Rights Act since 1875. It set up a commission to prosecute anybody who tried to deny American citizens their rights. It attracted world-wide attention and was on television screens across the USA. When Faubus closed all the schools in Arkansas in September 1958, he was forced to reopen them to black and white students by the Supreme Court. But by 1963 there were only 30,000 children at mixed schools in the South, out of a total of 2,900,000 and none at all in Alabama, Mississippi or South Carolina. Civil
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