Deviant Behavior Essay

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Resource: Ch. 7 of Society Compose a 300-350 word response to the following: · Provide an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society, but is not considered deviant in others. What are the factors that have contributed to this society's perspective of the deviant behavior? Why does this society consider the behavior to be deviant but other societies do not? · When a crime is committed by someone who has a powerful status in this society, how is their deviant behavior handled in comparison to someone who has less power in society? One example of human behavior that is considered deviant in one society, but not another is nudity. In America nudity is very uncommon, it is not allowed on television during the day, and if you are found naked in a public place you will be arrested, and possibly labeled as a sex offender. In Europe nudity is not as big of a deal, there are naked women and men in advertisements including billboards and commercials. If you go on the beach you will more than likely see people lying around naked. America can be considered more conservative than other parts of the world when it comes to sexuality. Even though there is an overflow of sexual innuendo's in the media, there are many American's who frown upon it. Because nudity is directly linked to sexuality, more often than not, this factor has lead to America viewing public nudity as deviant behavior. European's do not consider this behavior to be deviant because they are more liberal when it comes to nudity. When a crime is committed by someone who has a powerful status in society, like a celebrity or politician their deviant behavior is handled differently than the average person. Most often their misbehavior is all over the television and newspapers, which should be a bad thing, but in Hollywood they have a saying that "there is no such thing as bad
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