Developing Good Goal Statement

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Developing a Good Goal Statement Developing a good goal statement is one of the first things to complete in pursuance and accomplishment of goals. Listed below is a ‘tickler list’ designed to help you through the process: 1. Ask yourself if you have a ‘true desire’ to achieve the goal – or is it just a ‘passing fancy’? The desire must be sincere and intense. 2. Write the goal down. Once it goes into writing, it becomes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious. 3. Identify any obstacles you need to overcome and what help/support you will need to reach your goal(s). 4. Make a Plan! Take all the above steps and make a plan listing all the priorities in order of importance. 5. Visualize (get a clear mental picture) of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, and vivid in your mind’s eye. Play the picture over and over in your mind. 6. Back your plan with Persistence and Resolve! Never, ever give up even when you hit setbacks. Goal Statements: Specific: Be specific when stating the goal that you would like to accomplish. Measurable: Can the progress and completion of the goal be measured? You will know when you succeed. Attainable: The goal must be relatively within your grasp, yet provides an opportunity for personal growth. Realistic: Can the goal be accomplished realistically and safely? Timed: Timelines and deadlines are stated clearly and specific. The following is an example of a clear, concise ‘Goal Statement’: “We will have a man on the moon and safely returned to earth in this decade.” - President John Fitzgerald

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