Describe Three Main Theoretical Approaches to Counsellingand Identify Their Application to the Field of Counselling Practice.

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In this essay I will describe my understanding of the main features of what are perceived to be the three main theoretical approaches to counselling, being Psychodynamic, Humanistic and Transactional Analysis (TA) and identify their application to the field of counselling practice. I will also evaluate how theories enhance frameworks for good practice, the understanding of the counselling relationship, explain the personal history of a client and can contribute to self-development and self-awareness. The word theory in technical use is a more or less verified or established explanation accounting for known facts or phenomena and is commonly regarded as correct but is open to conjecture. Theory originates from the Greek word theoria, meaning to study or look at thoughtfully. Theories in counselling could be viewed as building blocks of the profession and can inform and underpin work with a client and can aid a counsellor’s self-development and self-awareness which in turn allows a better understanding of the client. Without theories there would be no basis to work from and thus boundaries could not be set in place. “There is nothing as practical as a good theory.” Lewin (2012 online). They help counsellors add a structure for ways of working, understand the dynamics of human behaviour and theoretical approaches can be linked appropriately to certain clients and specific situations. Theoretical models explain how people develop, allow for continual research, development and empirical evidence to provide and support effect outcomes which reinforces good practice. “If valid theories of counselling and therapy are transmitted to clients, they may increase the accuracy with which clients can predict the consequences of their behaviours and, hence, gain more control over their lives. Nelson-Jones (2011). The psychodynamic theory originated from one of

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