Describe And Explain The Factors For Pop. Growth

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Describe and Explain the factors which are responsible for Population Growth Population growth can be a result of one of two changes, a decrease in death rate, or an increase in birth rate. The world’s population has seen a massive increase since the 1800s, moving from around 0.5 billion, rapidly increasing to 6 billion on the 12th October 1999. A series of factors are interlinked, each having a varying effect on the two rates. These factors include social, political, cultural, health, education, environmental and the stage of development in the. Demographic models in each country will vary as a result of their economical development; typically less economically developed countries will show a concave profile in the shape of a pyramid, this shows a low life expectancy with a large percentage of the population being in the younger generations. More economically developed countries will show a convex profile which states a healthy dependency ratio with the majority of the population able to legally work. In the past population growth has largely been dictated by food supplies and the spread of disease. The ancient Egyptians developed methods of irrigation allowing for larger cultivation of crops. The increase in food supply fuelled the growth of towns, cities and population. The increase in food allowed for birth rates to increase as people were able to acquire enough food for more than just themselves. The security of this meant that death rates lowered as malnourishment was less common due to the higher availability of food. However, due to the development of towns and cities, the issues with large numbers of humans living within close proximity of each other meant the spread of disease and illnesses was a rising concern. This greatly affected the death rate and with poor medical knowledge in the past meant that vast amounts of people would die as a result. This
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