Persuasive Essay On Child Rights

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When in the course of human life it becomes necessary for a child to disown his or her blood relationship with the two people who have brought them into the world, an explanation as to why one would ever want to be independent (before the age of 18 of course) from his or her family must be provided, otherwise an unjustified answer is plainly disrespectful. We, the children of the United States, accept that, as teenagers, we have the right to certain unalienable rights from the moment we are born. As we came into this world, we were given the right to be equal. We were given the right to be treated with respect. We were given the right to have the freedom to do what we please. These rights must be secured, not distorted to benefit the needs of our parents. When our rights have been obliterated, it is our right, to disobey the laws of mankind. We must go beyond what we normally would to take a stand. We must institute a relationship where it is the right of the children to alter or abolish the rules and regulations that we find offensive. We agree that insubstantial causes should not change the rules that we have been abiding by, but if our parents’ actions become excessively intolerable, it should be our right to remonstrate against such power and shut them down, to the benefit of the children. The history of our despotic parents calls for independence from such overpowering power. To prove our arguments, we submit facts to present our case:…show more content…
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