When Should Teens Be Able to Make Their Own Decisons

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When Should Teens Be Able To Make Their Own Decisions ? Most parents think that teenagers aren’t old enough to make their own decisions and comprehend. Therefore, they always make the decisions for their teenage children. This may effect teenagers futures because they will become dependent on their parents and will not be able to make their own decisions correctly. Neither will they have their own goals or ambitious because everything in their lives was made up and decided by their parents. Nevertheless, parents should be there to help when their children make wrong decisions. Parents should definitely let their children become who they choose to be and not who the parents envisioned them to be. I feel parents should let their teens make their own decisions at the age of 16 and they should support their teenagers to make their own decisions for their future. To begin, I think all teens must make their own mistakes in order to ever learn a lesson. Not just teens, but everyone must make mistakes in order to experience the emotions of regret. Once the teens experience the emotions of regret they will eventually learn to avoid and wont make the same mistakes again. If the parent was to explain to the teens about the mistakes it wouldn’t be as of effective as them experiencing some mistakes on their own. Making mistakes is apart of growing up and maturing into a adult. When the teen depends on their parent to protect them from making mistakes they will always depend on their parent. Secondly, by the age of 16 I believe teens have made it to the age that in which their parents should allow them to make their own decisions. The age 16 is normally the age in which a teen begins to feel over protected by their parents and is begging for a little freedom. I feel teens should learn to take responsibilities for their actions. DiVine Smith November 16,2011 English

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