Decision-Making Model Analysis

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Decision-Making Model Analysis After searching the Internet for some decision-making models, I came across the Kepner-Tregoe Matrix. The matrix is an excellent tool for getting the most out of critical thinking skills and making the best decisions possible. After studying the model, I applied it to a recent and ongoing job-related decision for a large, multimillion-dollar company such as GE. Step one of the Kepner-Tregoe Matrix states, “Prepare a decision statement having both an action and a result component” (Kepner-Tregoe Matrix | Decision-making method framework tool, 2005). In my current job, customers have to decide on what telecommunications method they want to use to transmit their files to my company. The choice made by each customer is diverse and depends on many factors. For a company like GE, their decision statement would be: I need a fast reliable transmission method that transmits my files easily, quickly and successfully. The second step states, “Establish strategic requirements (Musts), operational objectives (Wants), and restraints (Limits)” (Kepner-Tregoe Matrix | Decision-making method framework tool, 2005). For GE, the musts and wants would include; an easy to submit transmission, a speedy transmission, a secure or encrypted transmission and lastly an error free transmission. Some limits would be costs and manual intervention. For the third step, we need to “Rank objectives and assign relative weights” (Kepner-Tregoe Matrix | Decision-making method framework tool, 2005). Since GE transmits large files multiple times daily, they would rank transmission speed as their highest objective. Then they would want the transmission encrypted in some way as well as having little or no errors. The simplicity of the process that submits the transmission would come in last followed by the cost and manual involvement. We would take these
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