Deaths Are Enough

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How Many Deaths Are Enough? The number of shootings every year is unbelievably high, and even more shocking is the number of people killed by guns. Carrying guns in the US is a very bad idea, especially with reference to this article. Having a gun for protection of oneself might make you feel safe in a dangerous area but unfortunately far too many people abuse the property of a gun. This way, the number of shootings every year will continually increase and keep making the US a less safe place to live. If there were no guns among ordinary people the urge to protect ourselves would be smaller. “The contention of those who would like college kids and just about everybody else to be armed to the teeth is that the good guys can shoot the bad…show more content…
A gun is also more threatening than a knife for example. A gun you can shoot no matter how far away or close you are and if you hit the target you know he or she will be injured. A knife does not look like much of a threat unless it is close to you – using a knife you need to be close to the target. If someone decides to throw a knife they only have one shot and if they miss… well there goes…show more content…
He also offers discounts to students that want to buy guns from him. I believe that he sees this as a protection for the students. The thing that is very strange about this, as mentioned before, is that he has sold guns to two mass killers and he does not see their appearances at the schools and killings as terrible incidents or being disrespectful. His point of view is quite scary actually. The author, Bob Herbert, completely disagrees with Thompson. He believes that letting students carry guns is incredibly stupid. Unlike Thompson, Bob Herbert also thinks about the unfortunate families that have had to go through these awful incidents, and that have experienced this kind of pain – losing a
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