The Death Penalty: Unlawful Executions

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During 2005, at least 2,148 people were executed in 22 countries and at least 5,186 people were sentenced to death in 53 countries. These were only minimum figures; the true figures were certainly higher. The death penalty is just another form of violence in society. That is why this form of hatred should be done away with and it should never, under any circumstance, be tolerated. Under any civilized society this is never an ethical alternative for punishment of criminals, it does nothing but harm society and can never, by any means, be justified. Capital punishment is said to deter all the crime and violence that exists in our society. Notice that the government uses violence to try to end violence, and that’s all the death penalty is, violence. An attorney from the University of Minnesota Law School states, “America’s death penalty continues to be just another form of violence in an already too-violent society” (Bessler). This makes no sense to continuously try to end violence with violence. This only incorporates in others the idea that “killing already incarcerated criminals can somehow solve the problem of violence in American Life” (Bessler). Many may not realize this, but capital punishment has only a corrosive influence on any society. Although many people feel that the death penalty is the solution to punishing criminals, it is not moral. Thus, nobody should ever turn to the death penalty as an alternative to punish these infamous criminals. Besides, there is no evidence that the death penalty actually deters criminals. But what does the death penalty actually do? Does it truly help ease the pain of the victims? Many people tend to incline towards the death penalty because they tend to feel that it avenges their losses, but evidence shows that this is not ever true. Those people who are searching for that desire of vengeance almost never obtain it.

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