David Zinczenko's 'Don T Blame The Eater'

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Prof. Neuman ENC 101 March 10, 2014 “Don’t Blame the Eater” Summary “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko points out how easy it is to go and buy unhealthy food. Due to the growing expense of the fast food industry, unhealthy food can be purchased at any fast food restaurant, but the numbers of nutritional restaurants are declining. If you drive down any street, you will find more than one fast food restaurant, but if you drive back up the block you will not find a place to buy healthy foods. As an obese child, David recalls the limited options of nutritional food in and outside of his household. Parents today are allowing their children to eat more fast food because it is fast, convenient and seemly affordable. David Zinczenko

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