Daniel's Challenges: Captivity, Courage, And Devot

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Daniel's Challenges: Captivity, Courage, and Devotion Daniel is the perfect example of what true courage is. Daniel was not afraid to do the right thing, even when pressured to deny his faith. He would not settle when it would have been convenient to do so. He kept continual faith in God and as a result influenced a powerful king to change his ways. Daniel spent most of his life in captivity, taken from his home at a young age, and given a new name. His name was changed his name to mean “God is my judge”, the reason for the change was to reflect the local deity of the king. But Daniel was not lead astray. He knew what he believed and who his true God was. In captivity, Daniel refused to eat the food of his king, because it was unholy; instead he chose to eat fruits and vegetables. He trusted God, even in his diet. God rewarded Daniel with great growth and strength that exceeded all the other captives the king was training in Babylon. Daniel gained favor with the king, but he would see four kings before getting to return to his homeland. His favor was sadly lost through the shifting of powers. Wicked men trapped Daniel by convincing the king to issue a decree that no one can worship any god other than the king’s god. Daniel refused to worship any other god but the one true God, and stayed unfazed by the decree. He continues to worship his God and is turned in. The punishment is a night in the Lion’s den. The ironic part of the story is that the king is actually hopeful that Daniel will survive because he lacks the courage that Daniel had, and would not break his decree by making Daniel an exception. God once again proves faithful and Daniel’s courage is rewarded as he watches his enemies become lunch for the lions. Daniel was not afraid to do the right thing, even when others were. He would not settle when it would

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