Dance Appreciation Essay

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Modern dance. Born in the early 20th century, modern dance is a dance style that focuses on a dancer's own interpretations instead of structured steps, as in traditional ballet dancing. Modern dancers reject the limitations of classical ballet and favor movements derived from the expression of their inner feelings. During the 1900's, European dancers began rebelling against the rigid rules of classical ballet. Turning against the structured techniques, costumes and shoes of ballet, these dancers favored a more relaxed, free style of dancing. Modern dance pioneers often danced in bare feet and revealing costumes. In the United States, several dance pioneers paved the way for American modern dance, including the legendary Martha Graham. In dance lessons I have learnt how to do the different styles of dance and also the ways I which the moves are done like pointing your feet or using your feet really fast for jazz. Improving your dance Find a Great Instructor Experienced dancers know the importance of a good dance instructor. A dance teacher not only teaches new steps and techniques, but also corrects mistakes. If you are new to dance, choose your instructor carefully. If you have been taking lessons for awhile and don't seem to be improving, consider looking around for a different teacher. The more you dance, the more you realize what qualities you prefer in a dance instructor. My dance instructors are very good at helping you achieve new dance styles and help you improve with your dance a lot. Improve Your Technique Professional dancers spend their entire careers perfecting their technique. Good technique is what separates the good dancers from the best dancers. Learn new moves, but strive to perfect the skills of each
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