Cyp Core 3.4

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CYP Core 3.4 1.1 There are a few factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services. The individual needs of the child these must be considered along with the age and ability so when planning for the children make sure the resources used are age and stage appropriate and they carry the safety marks. There must be specialist equipment for children with specific needs, so must be able to adapt to the needs of child. Specific risks for a child who has a hearing impairment you would need to provide visual aids for them or sign language so they are aware of the health and safety for example if the child was running indoors you could show them a visual aid of a picture where it’s made clear that you walk not run. Placing pictures of hands being washed near the toilets also teaches them to wash their hands when they have been to the toilet. CYP Core 3.4 1.2 There are ways in which health and safety is maintained here are some; suitable premises, environment and equipment - secure (entry phones, safeguarding, children’s and adult’s registration, right person (with prior permission) collecting children, fences, etc.). Areas where children learn, play and develop must be in appropriate size (enough space - ratio, enough sinks, toilets, suitable for appropriate age group, condition (well maintained, warm, bright, clean, hygienic), safe (handles in a higher level, electric sockets higher and covered, not slippery floors, no sharp corners, adequate spaces for the different needs food, rest, activities, parents, meeting, personal belongings. Having appropriate fire detection and control equipment (fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and fire blankets) which are in working order. Play equipment that is fit for purpose, appropriate for the needs of individual children, appropriate age, disability, culture and

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