Cyp 3.1 1.1

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1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. The sequence of development for children is measured using the following aspects: • Physical • Communication/language • Intellectual/cognitive • Social/emotional/behavioural • Moral Generally children follow the same sequence of development, but this can be at different rates. Physical development 0-2 years. Between birth and 2 years old children can move their head and limbs, lift and turn their heads. By 6 months they can roll onto their stomach from their back, push their head, neck and chest off the floor. Babies usually get their first tooth around now. They start to crawl, sit up and pass objects from one to the other. They will learn to pull themselves up using furniture and walk by holding onto things. Hand preference may start to appear. At 18 months a child may be able to walk alone and use push/pull toys when walking. 2-4 years. Between 2 and 4 you will notice that both gross and fine motor skills are improving. Children will move more confidently, pedal a tricycle, kick a ball and throw. They will be able to thread large beads. By 4 fine motor skills will have improved to include cutting around objects with scissors. 4-7 years. From 4-7 years a child will able to control a pencil, form letters, copy shapes and write more fluently. They should be able to button their own clothing and dress independently. Improvement in gross motor skills include jumping, running quickly and riding a bicycle. 7-9 years. Between 7 and 9 a child’s writing will become neater and they will read easier. Their physical ability will improve and they will become more accurate, confident and quicker. 9-11 years old will show greater coordination and speed. By now they will not only be able to read, write and draw but to use logic also.
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