Tda 2.1 Essay

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TDA2.1 1.1 1.2 Describe expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 to include *Physical *Communication *Social emotional and behavioural development All children are unique, each element of their personal development happens as they mature into adult hood. The following describes the expected pattern of development, however all children are different and therefore have different sequences of development. Physical development is not just a change in height and weight it is more complex: A newborn baby doesn’t have much physical control, the only instinctive behaviours they are born with is a natural sucking ability allowing them to feed, along with a grasp reflex. By 3 months a baby has developed enough to have the strength in their neck to support the head for short periods of time. By 6 months they usually have the strength to sit up. Throughout the first 12 months they have the ability to move around, this may be rolling, crawling, or cruising. Usually within the next year they will have confidence to walk and by the age of 3 this is established enough giving the ability to climb, run and balance. Over the next 2 years the gross manipulative skills increase enabling them to throw and catch a ball. At the same time the fine manipulative skills develop enabling use of a pen. By the age 8 they have well established physical development within both the fine and gross manipulative skills resulting in the ability to ride a bike, run, climb, draw and balance confidently. Between the ages of 11 – 19 this is when you will start to see physical changes and obvious differences between boys and girls as puberty start. Progressively developing, clearly showing signs and the appearance of an adult. Through puberty there are some common changes like sweating, pubic hair, oil glands and growth spurts; however there are
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