Culture Shock Essay

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“Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get” This is my favorite slogan from movie “Forrest Gump”. However, it is the best description of my first year in America. I can still remember today couple years ago when I left my native land and came to American with the feeling of excitements. 2 years passed, if you ask me what affected me most during this year, I would like to say” Culture Shock” and I know how to deal with the problem of culture shock better by myself. As an international student from transoceanic side of Pacific, “Culture Shock” would be the best “chocolate” I have received. Experience in another country may result in varying extents of attitude change, or to a confirmation of attitudes and images, or, perhaps, to a defensive resistance to change. (Elizabeth, 1988) To some extent, international students’ performances are limited by the culture shock not only in the academic fields but also in the other aspect of life, such as part-time job, communities’ activities. Generally speaking, if international students can realize the cause of their unsatisfied performances is the culture shock and try to conform to the culture shock, hence they can manage to show totally different performance. Immersing oneself into a totally new culture can always follow with difficult times for many individuals. A move from one’s culture of origin may resemble the loss of a beloved person because both initiate a process of mourning. The degree of impact experienced by the person when he or she moves to a different culture differs according to the timing of the move in the person’s life. (Kono, 1999) Most international students are in their late teens. This is the time for individual to develop an integrated self and a personal value system. Value system is mainly culturally derived and plays an important role in identity formation. During

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