Cultural Diversity In America

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Cultural Diversity in the Today's America Yuma N. Vuono ETH 125 Cultural Diversity January 13, 2012 Tamira M. Moon, MPH, CHES Axia College of University of Phoenix Cultural Diversity in the Today's America * America was founded on the basis of equality and freedom for all immigrants far and wide, creating a diverse synthesis of race, ethnicity, religion, and culture. The history of immigration in the United States involves different groups of Europeans and their descendants as well as diverse groups of Native American Indians, Hispanics, Africans, and Asians. These culturally diverse groups play significant roles in the ongoing development of contemporary culture while reshaping our nation's future. The continually broadening…show more content…
This current population growth trend began with the initiation of the Immigration Act of 1965 from the massive immigration of both legal and illegal immigrants entering the United States over the past forty years. Accounting for nearly 4.5% of the world's population, America is the third largest, fastest growing, consisting of infinitely more diverse cultures than any other country throughout the world (Heisler & Shrestha, 2011). The constant human quest for economic opportunities in recent decades has increased the flow of economic refugees to the United States putting an enormous strain on America's public institutions and social services. Furthermore, the political turmoil in existence globally increases the flow of political refugees seeking asylum and sanctuary. Refugees from the Vietnam (Military Action) War, my family and I have first-hand experience of the discriminations and prejudices held by Americans toward foreigners when we first immigrated to the United States in 1975 following the fall of Saigon. Naturally, native-born citizens exhibit mass opposition against new immigrants, fearing these immigrants present competition in the workforce and a threat to their families and livelihood. The United States population is expected to reach nearly 450 million by 2050, if Congress makes no…show more content…
Furthermore, the non-Hispanic Whites population will slightly decline even with the burgeoning elderly population because of healthier lifestyles and improved health care services available. Hispanics are expected to increase by 188% and account for nearly one-quarter of the nation's population although, The United States Census Bureau believes many Hispanics born in America claim Whites on census surveys. Asians, however, are expected to triple to over 33 million by 2050. Historically, America has been a "Black and Whites" country with Blacks accounting for nearly 13% of the current population. By 2050, the Black population will increase roughly 15%, making them the second largest minority group in America. Racial diversity in the United States poses very interesting challenges to the nation's existing financial and social services institutions ultimately having a profound effect on education, health care, Social Security, and natural resources. We are often reminded of looming problems such as fuel reserves, fresh water resources, unhealthy air quality as well as traffic congestion and diminishing wetlands through the media, many of us do not take seriously. The unfortunate reality is that America will not be able to accommodate its potential growing number of citizens and the increasing elderly population

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