Kennedy Case Essay

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A critical evaluation of the impact of the House of Lords decision in the Kennedy (2) case relating to the law of causation is indeed one of interest as it takes a careful look at the laws of causation also known as the transaction principle, its application in whole or in part in the cases to which it applies. First and foremost recognition must be given to the Kennedy case as it accolades such importance that it indeed had and still has an effect on the already existing law of causation if at all there was an impact, and still irks the interest of scholars. This essay will explore in part such pivotal terms as manslaughter, the facts of the case in question and delve deep into the laws of causation, causation itself, determine if indeed the decision of the House of Lords had any effect or impact on the laws of causation. The case went through the court ranks and finally stopping at the house of lords; criminal charges of Homicide-Manslaughter (involuntary manslaughter<constructive manslaughter> to be precise- the unlawful killing without having the intention to kill) were brought against the appellant and the supply of a class A drug with the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict c 100), s 23 , it…show more content…
The Kennedy case is praised for going back to the traditional application of the principles of causation and as such is now an authority in its specific
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