Critical Discourse Analysis Essay

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Expected Results and Discussion In order to foresee the results of this research a pilot study has been done. For this sample analysis, first chapter of the selected novel was evaluated. Findings and discussion of this analysis are given below. The critical discourse analysis of a text, through Huckin’s model, can be done by taking a closer look on the text, beginning with the characteristics associated with the text as a whole and then progressively shifting the focus to sentence-level and later to the word-level characteristics. As this study has selected only the first chapter of the novel for this sample analysis, it cannot be evaluated at the first level as it requires the text to be taken as a whole. So the analysis has been started directly at the…show more content…
It is from the male characters who visits, says, sits his daughter in his lap, tells stories, describes, betrays, casts out, disowns, sends off etc., and all of this is being done to the females, i.e., Maryam, the daughter and Nana, the mother. The author has not mentioned any action in the text in which a male becomes a patient of a female agent. With the help of these Agent-Patient relations, the writer has tried to portray the stereotypical Orientalist image of the Eastern society. Thus, confirming the stereotypes. • Deletion/omission: Although in some cases in this text, the females possess power over male, it is somewhat hidden from view. For example, the author mentions at one place, “The wives demanded that he throw her out.” Here the wives of Jalil demanded him to throw Nana out of their house, which Jalil obliged to. From this example, it can be inferred that his wives had power over him but, the writer neither highlights this nor describes the behaviour or the character of the wives, thus making an omission, in order to background this piece of information so that the readers would not be able to see the true
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