Critical Components of Emotional Intelligence

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Critical components of Emotional Intelligence Emotions are feelings that we as individuals experience. They are something that all of us have, yes even guys. Everyday we will experience emotions, and throughout life we’ll develop a variety of emotions, and their intensity may increase or decrease. Emotions are very important not only because we all have them on a regular basis, but also because they effect our moods, and our behavior. Therefore, we need to learn how to develop and take care of our emotional health, this involves emotional intelligence. One component of emotional intelligence is the ability; ability to monitor ones self. Which involves being in tune with what you are actually feeling, and being aware of the emotions you are experiencing. It means that you give attention to the information you gather as a result of be aware of your thoughts and feelings. You also need the ability able to access yourself. For example this could mean that by accessing yourself you are able to work on the emotions that may be causing you problems. Having the ability to regulate is another important component in emotional intelligence. By regulating our emotions we are able to direct and control our emotions, so as to remain stable with our feelings. A second component of emotional intelligence is ones capacity to be able to identify, interpret, and understand our emotions. This will help to gain the true meaning behind our feelings which will allow us to resolve the a problem, or if it’s not a problem we will be able to simply understand why we are experiencing the feeling we are going going through. If we are feeling very joyful, it does us well to know why we feel that way. That we can take the needed steps to remain joyful. Likewise if we are sad or depressed, by being able to identify and interpret we can successfully deal with our emotions. Having self guidance
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