Criteria of Adoptive Parents

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Adoption is a great opportunity for couples or individuals who cannot have children . This experience would change the child's life and the adopting parents' lives as well. The process of adoption might be very long and complicated, that may turn the dream of adopting a child into a nightmare. The qualifications of good adoptive parents are not limited to having room for the child, but it also includes the physically and the emotional ability to raise a child. The financial factor is the cornerstone to adopt a child. All prospective adopting parents must show financial ability to care for the adopted child. Studies show that the average cost of raising a child for a middle-income family is approximately $ 245,000. It costs nearly a quarter million dollars to raise a child, and that is not even including the cost of the college. That equates for roughly $12,800 per child per year. In today's economy, you should ask yourself if you are ready for this financial burden. Although adopting a child is a dream for many couples but the main obstacle is the economic issue, which make them unable to achieve it. Another factor to be considered is the physical and mental health status of the adoptive parents. Children learn who they are and how to communicate through interaction with their fathers. Thus, if the adoptive parents have a mental or physical problem the chance to raise an emotionally and physically healthy child is too small. A known story about a blind couple whom the Supreme Court removed their custody on their daughter because they are incapable of taking care of her. Is it a discrimination against people with disability or we seek the best living environment for those children. That is a very hard question, but we have to have an answer for it. Children are how you
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