Country Lovers vs the Welcome Table

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Country Lovers VS the Welcome Table Shantel Rider ENG125: Introduction to Literature Nathan Pritts October 1, 2012 Country Lovers VS the Welcome Table “Country Lovers” and “the Welcome Table” both deal with interracial problems. In “Country Lovers” the two young lovers are forbidden to see and be with each other because they are of different races. In “the Welcome Table” the little old lady is kicked out of church because she is black and it is a white church. I feel that both stories themes are shame and selfishness. In “Country Lovers” Thebedi and Paulus are sneaking around and get pregnant and do not think of the consequences and Paulus kills the baby when he finds out Thebedi has given birth to a baby and sees that it is light skin. In “the Welcome Table” the little old lady just wants to go to church but the white people do not want her going to their church and kick her out for the color of her skin even though she was not doing anything wrong just praising God. While in all countries not all races are considered equal, everyone is equal and has the same rights because no race is better than another, all women have rights, and all African American have rights. First, everyone is equal and has the same rights because no race is better than another. In “Country Lovers” Thebedi’s family is salves to Paulus family. The whit children go to school and get an education and are taught they are superior to the black children that are their salves. In “the Welcome Table” the little old lady wants to go to church but is told this is not your church and is thrown out of the church. We as Americans fought in the Civil War for equal rights for all races. For example: “And finally we fight a bloody Civil War, we get these three constitutional amendments, which say the law must treat everyone equally, must be race-neutral. But even a hundred years later, it still

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