Costco Wholesale Corp. in 2012: Mission, Business Model, and Strategy

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The play Tartuffe features a lot of interesting dynamics that directly challenge the French government and church. The satire that is used during the play certainly mocks the control the French Church had over its citizens. This play reminds me of what I learned in philosophy on the divine command theory. It basically states that the actions people do is because of their religion and what a high ranking religious official says. People are unable to think for themselves without being guided by a religion based decision. Tartuffe represents himself as a sound man of religion and uses that to manipulate Orgon to essentially ruin his entire life. This play is very daring and the class discussion we had on Thursday does bring this play to life when I began reading it from a satirical point of view instead of being so critical and taking it serious. Tartuffe can clearly be symbolized as a high ranking church official since he claims he is such a strong religious man. The play shows that when religion is used as a way to manipulate people it can destroy a society. When used for the right purposes religion can create a community of people who worship for a common goal. On the other hand people can manipulate religion and make themselves appear divine to get what they want out of people. This leads to people following an individual rather than a supreme being. Tartuffe executes this plan perfectly and destroys Orgon’s home. From our discussion due to the satirical nature of the play it really is like the first version of South Park. It isn’t as blatant as South Park since someone could be killed by the government for mocking it in media. Using Tartuffe as a symbol of the church was a brilliant idea and it was ironic that King Louis gave the play such high praise from some of the outside research I did on the play after I read

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