Cosi Is More About Love Than Madness

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“Cosi is more about love than madness” The play within a play “Cosi Fan Tutte” does more than divert patients from their isolated wards, the play itself conveys Lewis Nowra’s viewpoints upon certain issues faced in the 1800’s as well as the 1970’s. Located in a burnt out theatre, the initially anxious director “Lewis” directs a group of mental patients to perform the play Cosi Fan Tutte. Although the central theme explored throughout the play draws comparison to mental illness, the play most importantly demonstrates Nowra’s viewpoint about Love and fidelity within cosi and Cosi Fan Tutte as well as society external to the walls of the asylum. In order to illustrate his viewpoints throughout the play, Nowra uses an extensive amount of literary techniques in order to capture the reader and create and emotional response towards the themes within the play. Ultimately, Cosi fan Tutte is about madness, however the play also demonstrates the significance of love and fidelity throughout. Focused on the idea of mental illness “madness” the play Cosi is performed completely within the walls of a burnt down theatre which is symbolic in to the rough unethical treatment the patients would receive on a daily basis. Mental illness was looked upon as a social abnormality, there for the treatment process in the 1970’s differed to the way in which we deal with mental illness in modern society as people within the 70’s who had addictions were classed as socially abnormal “mad” and therefor institutionalised, evident within Julies case within the asylum. Roy quotes “asylums are the most inefficient places on earth” which further translates Nowra’s idea how the image portrayed upon mental illness within society was an image that believed asylums purely existed to free the “sane” from the “mad”. Although Nowra intentions reflect the idea of love and fidelity, madness was definitely a

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