Corporate Culture Impact On Org. Performance

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Introduction The idea of Corporate Culture has changed from merely referring to a company’s dress code and working hours to a more sophisticated and more powerful part in an employee handbook, rightly mentioned in a journal by “John Marshall” and “Matthew Adamic”. Many research papers have been written to understand the “impact on the performance of organizations due to the Corporate Culture”. Most argue that the corporate culture does impact the performance, whereas a very few would like to argue that Corporate Culture is something that cannot be managed. In order to explore the impact of Corporate Culture in the performance of an organization, one needs to understand first what we mean by Corporate Culture and the aspects of Organizational culture. Definition of Organizational Culture Many definitions have been put forth to define Organizational Culture, the most noted ones are provided below: Bolman and Deal, 2009 (pg 269) and McKenna and Beech, 2008 (Pg 119) provide Schein’s definition of Organizational culture as “a pattern of shared basic assumptions that a group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.” McKenna and Beech, 2008 (Pg 119) provides Moorhead and Griffin’s definition as “a set of values, often taken for granted, that help people in an organization understand which actions are considered acceptable and which unacceptable. Often these values are communicated through stories and other symbolic means.” Both the definitions above explain the culture of an organization by the way things are being performed, the methodologies and rules which may have evolved over a period of time and taken as the accepted way of working. Organizational practices
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