Core Values of Different Cultures

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The question that I asked each one of my three interviewees was “What are four of your core values?” Kayla’s top four core values were success, trustworthiness, caring for others, and being hardworking. Aiko chose her family, social life, being hardworking, and achievement as her four core values. Nathan picked brilliance, loyalty, modesty, and being victorious as his top values. So, as you can see these three people each have some different values from one another. I also asked each interviewee how old they were, what their race was, whether they were in college or not, and where they were from. Kayla is a twenty year old female. She is a white Caucasian college student. She is from West Virginia. Aiko is a nineteen year old female. She is a Japanese college student. She is from Japan. Nathan is a twenty two year old male. He is also a white Caucasian college student. He is from California. The interviewees I had didn’t have the same three core values. Kayla and Aiko both chose hardworking as one of their values. None of the three interviewees picked exactly the same value. However, Kayla, Aiko, and Nathan each had some values that sort of seemed slightly the same to me. These values were success, achievement, and victory. I checked and these words are all synonyms to one another. I could see that some of their values fell under the same ones that are listed in Williams and Henslin’s list of values. Kayla had chosen one of the values off of Williams and Henslin’s list, success. Since I found earlier that success, achievement, and victory are all synonyms that means that Aiko and Nathan also pretty much chose that off of Williams and Henslin’s list as well. Aiko and Kayla also chose hardworking which seems to be on the list as well. It is Activity and Work. I wasn’t really all that surprised by what I had found. All of the interviewees had some pretty realistic

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