Contribute to the Support of Child and Young Persons

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1.1 Naturalistic observations take place in the child’s natural environments. This type of observation allows the child to act in a way they usually do without being affected by the observer known as the Hawthorne affect meaning a child could change the way they act unknowing because they know they are being observed. Naturalistic observations lead to a much more valid observation as they are more likely to give us a true picture of what is being studied. Longitudinal observations are observations that occur over a long period of time. This allows the researcher of gain detailed information about the subject they are studying. In childcare a longitudinal study could be very helpful for the parents as it would allow them to identify important milestones and achievements. A snapshot observation involves trying to get a ‘snapshot’ of how a child is behaving at any time period. For example, a snapshot observation of how a child reacts whilst being potty trained off may be helpful in trying to deal with a child who is having trouble and finding it difficult to master. A Structured observation is when the observer has set goals on what they are observing in order to observe how a child carries out a specific task. For example an observer could set up certain activities such a painting to observe a child’s motor skills. 1.4 Ways the identified development needs of a child or young person can be met in the work setting may include: meeting individual needs e.g. one child may need extra help when doing creative work as they haven’t developed in that way as fast as the other children, reflecting children’s interests and views allows you to base more the things they do during the day on these things to encourage them in their interests, through play for children in early years, providing challenge means that the child will develop faster as it gives them more
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