Contradictions In The Bible

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Jack Shorb Contradictions in the Bible In the view of the Jewish faith, God is all knowing and omnipotent. Throughout the Bible contradictions are made with what role God plays in human’s decisions. In the story of Noah and the flood, God floods the world to wipe out everything except for a pair of every animal and human. If God is all knowing, he knew that the world he was creating was going to turn to a point where God would become frustrated enough to kill everyone. Why than did God create the world only to destroy it. Also, was everyone on the earth and every animal so evil that they deserve to be slaughtered by the hand of God? In the story of Cain and Able, God gives no reason for rejecting Cain’s gift. Why would God reject Cain’s gift if God knew that it would lead to so much anger that Cain would kill Able? Some would say that God was testing Able. Why if God knew that the test would fail, because he is all knowing, still create this test. Even if Cain may have learned something, he still spends his whole life exiled. God was not fair to reject one person’s offering but praise another. I do not believe that Jewish believers think that God favors some people over others because everyone is God’s children. In the garden of Eden, God creates a test for Eden. Why would God create a test in general if he is all knowing. God knows supposedly what the outcome of the test will be before one is tested. What is the point of a test than if the answer is already known, especially when it will lead to death or punishment. If it was not a test, why did God not intervene when the snake was telling them to eat from the tree. Why would God even make the rule to not eat from the tree. The Bible is full of contradictions as anyone could see. I believe that it is possible that it was written this way intentionally. Maybe the Bible was written like this so
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