Contemporary Globalisation Essay

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Question: Contemporary globalization marks a decisive shift between nations: Discuss with reference to either economic or cultural or political relations. PLAN: - Define globalization - Discuss conflicting opinion between globalist, inter- nationalist and transformaonalists. - Conclusion. This essay seeks to discuss about Contemporary Globalization marking a decisive shift between nations based on culture. The essay will also discuss the knowledge, understanding and impact of globalization on culture. It will also high light the three perspectives on globalization – globalist, Inter-nationalist and transformationalists. Globalization has no definite definition. People disagree on the definition and whether or not it actually exists. Globalization has political consequences and economic roots, but it also has brought about into focus the power of culture in this global environment. Globalization promotes integration and the removal not only of cultural barriers but also of many of the negative dimensions of culture. Hence it has brought so many changes between nations in the world, it inter-connects between societies in the growing world which is different from the past for example changes of family structures and traditions, profound changes in the society, re-structuring of how people live, impact on communication and creation of global inequalities which has led to poverty among the poor nations for example Burkina Faso. Hence the impact of globalization on culture and the impact of culture on globalization merit discussion. Technology has changed cultural values for example the use of internet, fax, satellites and television, has promoted western ideals of capitalism and has brought about what is called “ consumer culture” with the communities / nations, where they is the out cry of education and cultural experiences. Popular culture
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