Contemporary Art And Modernization

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As Europe swiftly moved towards modernization during the 19th and 20th centuries, industrialization gave birth to a new age of progressive technology, economy, agriculture, manufacturing, and science. Furthermore, due to the emergence of factories, mass production, machines, and urbanization, western societies witnessed dramatic changes in social and cultural norms. Although industrialization was beneficial in terms of modern advancement, precious values of the past were lost along the way. Beautiful lands became home to ugly factories and the sky turned grey with pollution; the value of hand craft disappeared, as machines outproduced and replaced human labour; human exploitation increased and so did the horrible working conditions; the emotional relationship maintained by employees, employers, and coworkers was no more. Additionally, urbanization led to social stratification and a widening gap between the upper and working class. Amidst all of the chaos created by industrialization and urbanization, contemporary art seems to provide an opportunity to escape the disorienting complexities of the modern world. From my archive, the images that explore the nature of industrialization are: House by Rachel Whiteread and Wrapped Coast—One Little Bay, Sydney, Australia by Christo and Jeanne-Claude. I believe these works to be social commentaries on the effects of progressive change, while reviving what was lost. My visual archive illustrates the provocative nature of contemporary art that pulls people together, away from the presence of modern problems. Wrapped Coast Utilizing 35 miles of rope, one million square feet of erosion durable plastic sheets, and 25,000 fasteners, the artists, along with fifteen professional mountaineers, 110 labourers, and an endless number of volunteers wrapped the rocks and landforms of the beach that stretched for one mile and stood 85
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