Confronting Ethical Dilemmas

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Confronting Ethical Dilemmas Ethical Dilemma 1 Kay Smith seems to have the personality and work ethic every employer looks for. Although she has expressed interest in moving forward at a different position along with a different supervisor, her long-term plans remain the same, which are to remain with the company at large and share the accountability that she provides with others. As her supervisor, I would encourage her growth with the company and advise her to apply for the promotion if she truly feels the need to move forward. If I were to consider myself a moral manager, I would be obligated to advise Kay about the great opportunities this promotion may have to offer and ask her to do what she feels is right for her and her family (Schermerhorn, 2012). To became a morally ethical manager I would have to implement these types of ethical behaviors to make sure I serve as a positive role model to the rest of the employees I supervise (Schermerhorn, 2012). Although Kay will be moving forward, she will remain with the company and will surly be productive in a different division. As a whole the company will benefit still from Kay, eliminating any competitive values between company divisions. Schermerhorn points out that although competiveness is valued in various business settings, those who become to competitive may ignore ethical boundaries while forcing their efforts to come out on top (Schermerhorn, 2012). Ethical Dilemma 2 I believe Marty Jose’s intentions were right in the manner that she demonstrated her support. She was instructed to show as much support as she could and in turn created a very supportive and notable night for local civic and business leaders. I do however find both parties at fault, Marty and her supervisor that is. As a member of the managerial administration, Marty’s supervisor should have informed Marty of the closing

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