Conditioning In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a fictitious story about a future utopian society where people are mass-produced in laboratories. People have no emotions in this world where drugs and promiscuous sex are greatly encouraged. People are given labels according to their pre-natal intelligence assignment. These different classes all have specific roles within society and nobody is unhappy with their places. The Brave New World he was a fictitious story that sets up a symbolic mirror to our world that shows the reader what our world is slowly evolving to. Lenina and Henry’s date is an example of conditioning at work. They consume goods, they don’t fear death, soma keeps them happy, and they make sure not to have any children and thereby…show more content…
In fact, Lenina uses her conditioning and hypnopaedic saying to protect her from even really thinking about what Bernard is saying. Lenina is conditioned to avoid thinking. As an individual, Bernard hates his slavery. As a conditioned World State citizen, Lenina loves her slavery. As of today’s new generation, mostly have distinctive characteristics to separate from other person and processing his/her own needs or goal. Being self expressive, independent. They don’t worry about people judging them. Anyone who is important enough in their life will accept them for who they are. On the other hand, some youth have the attitude of hearing without listening; they want to escape from what is the reality. That’s why even though they hear it already, they totally ignore it. They use different kind of pastime activity, just to escape from their problem even in a short period of time. Most of the students spent their time playing computer games or video games and joining in any peer activities in order to relax and entertained them from being pressure. Not only students but also matured individual are being involved to this unfavourable situation. Other students quit in school because they’re tempted to this kind of pastime. And if their minds are already conditioned to this activity their interest in school was totally lost and prefers themselves for being relaxed and to…show more content…
This difference shows the power of conditioning. As we look backward to our society, a woman before she gets married, she maintains her virginity. She gives more importance to her dignity as she wants to face the altar with clear conscience to herself that she’s still virgin during the wedding and being faithful to her husband. And when she got pregnant, she takes care and protects the baby and her womb. As a good mother, she inculcates the best of family values and her children and develops morality. While at this present society, a woman before she got married they experience pre-marital sex and when she finds out that she’s pregnant, she take pills in order to abort the fetus in her womb because she doesn’t want responsibilities. Some women get’s married not because they love the man but because of his money and other material things. Then later they will decide to get divorce because they are not happy in their relationship. And the children are the one who suffered from those consequences. After few months or years the mother looks again for her new partner. Other relationship does not last longer due to short period of courtship to get to know each other

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