Concentrated Media Ownership

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------------------------------------------------- Mass media has become a common tool which is used for people to entertain, gain and gather news and information. Currently, media companies need to be expanded and enlarged in order to survive in the highly competitive markets due to technology and market are altered (Gillian, 2000, p. 1). As the result, the actual ownerships of media outlet are only a few capitalist groups. Although concentration of media ownership seem to be beneficial to stakeholders, many people concern about the negative impacts of having contracted media ownership. In this essay, the advantages of media concentration including media quality and enhance alternative media outlets will be discussed. It will also illustrate some disadvantages of concentrated media ownership in terms of increasing of product prices and power abuse. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The first significant benefit is that many concentration of media companies provide people with high media quality. Concentrated media industries are potential in terms of adequate financial resources for employing high performance staff members to improve the quality of production (Baker, 2014). In addition, Harcourt and Pichard (2009, p. 9) point out that media companies need to invest on facilities such as fibre optic cables, satellites and video on demand systems. Despite costs of investment, these media companies are likely to produce high technological tools, equipment, and network infrastructures which can serve consumers a large amount of satisfactory media quality. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Another benefit of concentrated media ownership is that they have sufficient budget

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