Computer Help Inc. Graded Case

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| Computer Help Inc. | Memo Re: Proposed Health Care Program for Computer Help Inc. Computer Help Inc. has been very profitable, and up until recently, before the company went public, it was owned by partners who were invited to take an ownership position to attract them to the company. Due to the growth in the non-consulting side of the business, Computer Help Inc. has had to hire staff, who will be working for a paycheck, versus company ownership. The staff counts have been increasing steadily, averaging 10% per year. In addition, the company has expanded from its base, and now boasts midtown sales offices in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, and Atlanta, with development staff in New York and Los Angeles. Prior to the public offering , there was no need for a benefits program at Computer Help Inc. However, the steady increase of staff, who are seen as employees rather than associates, has caused a need for a benefits program at Computer Help Inc. In order to retain the staff, Computer Help Inc. must offer the employees a competitive benefits package. Computer Help Inc. currently has a turnover rate of 12% a year, offering the employees a competitive benefits package may decrease turnover and absenteeism, and increase employee motivation. In order to establish a benefits program that meets the diverse needs of Computer Help Inc.’s employees, the employee demographics have been taken into consideration. Currently 50% of the employees are single with no dependents, 30% are married with no dependents, 15% are married with dependent children, and five percent are single parents. The most predominate age group employed by Computer Help Inc. are those between the ages of 26 and 35. With the majority of the workforce being relatively young and not having any dependents, the costs of implementing a benefits program will be minimized at this time. Computer

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