Competency Goal for Cda

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Competency Goal I To establish and maintain a safe and healthy learning environment. My goal is to provide a safe environment for all children in my care by never leaving them unattended. Indoor and outdoor areas should be free of dangerous conditions and materials. It is important to check all electrical sockets and make sure they are all covered. Providing working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in proper locations and having the knowledge to properly use them is crucial to a child’s safety. Posting phone numbers for contacting parents and emergency services, including poison control, fire department and medical services as well as instructions and practice procedures for fires and other emergencies is essential. All cleaning supplies need to be locked in a cabinet, out of reach of children. Washing all toys especially toys that children put in their mouth with an approved bleach water solution will cut down on spreading illnesses .Cleaning all play areas as well as sanitizing the changing table after each diaper change is a must. The children’s menu is designed to provide the servings required for balanced nutrition. Although I am not in charge of the weekly menu, I agree with most of the meals and snack choices since they include the appropriate servings from the fruit, vegetables, meat/protein and milk groups. I make sure that my classroom is an interesting, secure, and enjoyable environment. It is important to keep the floors clean and free of clutter. Each area has the items and equipment required for the activities for that specific area. Both the toddler and infant classrooms are designed to give the children enough space to move around. The toddler classroom is designed with many centers, including dramatic play, library, blocks, and science. These centers are available for toddlers right away. On the other
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