Comparisons: Hephaestus vs the Joker

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Hephaestus Hephaestus was the Greek god of fire and volcanoes. Hephaestus mother and father were Hera and Zeus. His grandfather was Kronos. Hephaestus was born, he was a very weak man with a broken foot. His mother Hera did not like the way he looked and threw him off her castle which was on top of the clouds. Hephaestus fell for one day and one night before falling into the sea. The sea animals rescued him and took him to an island called Lemenos. There Hephaestus built his forge underneath a volcano. He collected precious metals, pearls and pieces of coral to make beautiful jewelry. Hephaestus built little robots of gold to help him get around. Hephaestus even worked with the Cyclopes (one eyed creatures). To impress the gods and goddesses, he made a set of golden thrones for them. His mother realized her mistake of throwing Hephaestus off Mount Olympus and begged Zeus to welcome him back. Hephaestus politely refused, saying that he was quite happy where he was. Hephaestus made a beautiful golden throne and sent it to Hera as a ‘thank you gift’. When she sat on it, golden ropes flew out and tied her up locking her into the chair. Hephaestus was still very angry with his mother because she threw him of Mount Olympus. Even though everyone tried to free Hera from the great trap, Hephaestus’ design was so clever that none could detach the ropes. So, Zeus sent his son Ares, god of war, to bring Hephaestus back to let Hera loose. Instead Hephaestus made him run away throwing firebrands at him, and Ares made a shameful retreat. Zeus used trickery next and sent Dionysus, the god of wine, to get Hephaestus drunk. Hephaestus was not a regular drinker, and Hephaestus got drunk very quickly. Soon Dionysus was making his proud return to Mount Olympus, with drunk Hephaestus on the back of a mule. Hephaestus finally freed Hera and moved back to the forges because he did

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