Trojan War 15.1.13 Summary

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Trojan War 15.1.13 The Trojan War all started by when Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage. This made Eris really angry and so she stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. Eris said that whoever was the fairest would get this wonderful golden apple. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all reached for the apple, and couldn’t decide t who should have it so Zeus said that Paris, prince of Troy and apparently most handsome man alive, would act as the judge. Hera promised Paris power, Athena promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose…show more content…
Menelaus then called upon all of Helen's old suitors, as all of the suitors had made an oath long ago that they would all back Helen's husband to defend her honour. Many of the suitors did not wish to go to war. And all made silly excuses not to go but they were all made to go for their tricks were uncovered. Achilles, though who was not a suitor, was wanted after because the prophet Calchas had stated that Troy would not be taken unless Achilles would fight. The seer Calchas proclaimed that Iphigenia, daughter of Agamemnon, must be sacrificed before the fleet could set sail. This was done, and the Greek ships set off in search of Troy. As you can see the Greeks did whatever hat had to get there navy off to find…show more content…
The streets quietened down and everyone had gone to sleep. So the Greeks made their move. They climbed out of the Horse one by one sliding down a rope. Once they were all out they close the door of the horse so no Trojans could hide inside and they made their attack. They went to every home and killed all members of the household. Sinon went with Menelaus to get Helen whilst the others slaughtered any Trojan in their way. Menelaus who had been determined to kill his unfaithful wife was overwhelmed by her beauty and seductiveness that he allowed her to

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