Comparing Places Essay

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Comparing Places I tend to live in the same place for a longer period of time than most. This is for different reasons. I don’t like taking the time to look for a place to live, or should I say stay, the reason I say stay is because until I find a house that I can afford to move in to I don’t feel like I am living just staying. Every place I have lived there have been some similarities between them, but the most important besides will my bed fit is the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the places on this planet that I am most peaceful. The kitchen is where I can create that perfect dish, which I am always striving to do. No matter where you stay the kitchens are never the same, it may be the size, the counter space, or even appliances. The one thing that I miss in my kitchen is an electric stove. I grew up with an electric stove but have not had an electric stove in none of my apartments as an adult. As an adult all of my stoves have been gas stoves and in my opinion they just do not cook the same. All of my recipes seem to taste different when they come out the oven, which I do not know if it is because of my taste buds or the fact that I am cooking in a gas oven. No one that has tasted my food has made a comment on it tasting different, and I still get asked to cook things for certain occasions so maybe it is just my own prejudice against the gas oven. Now one difference I know to be true is that on top of the stove an electric burner distributes the heat to cover more surface area of a pot or pan than on a gas burner. How many times have you or someone you know tried to turn on a gas stove but there is no flame, then you have to get a match or a lighter to help you light it, which could also be dangerous. On the other hand the electric stove you just turn it to the temperature you want and go, works for me. I do not know what the reason is to have a gas
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